

The EUBREAST Network is a group of independent, charitable non-profit associations. The Network’s primary goal is to research less extensive approaches to breast cancer surgery in order to improve cancer patients’ quality of life. Each Association in the Network is an independent legal entity.
Prof. Dr. med. Thorsten Kühn
Klinikum Esslingen, Germany

“Our goal is to transfer scientific progress to clinical practice much faster and to offer our patients less extensive breast cancer surgery.”

Dr. Oreste Gentilini
San Raffaele Hospital Milan, Italy

“As physicians, we are convinced that European networking of capable scientists and experts is highly advantageous for our patients.”

Univ. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Florentia Peintinger
Medical University Graz & Leoben General Hospital, Austria

“We promote clinical expertise and pathways of scientific intelligence in an international context to optimize breast cancer treatment.”

Ass. Prof. Jana de Boniface
Karolinska Insitutet, Capio St. Göran’s Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

“Breast cancer is a complex disease requiring large-scale cross-disciplinary and cross-border research structures to promote individualised treatment and define the crucial equilibrium between benefit and harm of locoregional treatment. Collaborative research has great potential to unify fragmented European perspectives on breast cancer management to the benefit of all European women.”

Pr. Jean-Marc Classe, MD, PhD
Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest, Saint-Herblain, Nantes, France
Prof. Dr. Isabel T. Rubio
Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Madrid Spain

“Clinical trials have answered questions that changed the way we perform breast surgery today. We have the commitment to keep breast surgical research ongoing cooperating with other groups to be more efficient. Results from these studies will change the way we treat patients in the future. 

Prof. Dr. med. Toralf Reimer
University of Rostock, Germany
Univ.Prof. Dr. Roland Reitsamer
Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg

“Breast surgery, yet the main issue in breast cancer treatment, can be de-escalated and standardized. Morbidity can be reduced without safety compromise. EUBREAST is the path to achieve this goal in the near future. 

Prof. Marjolein L. Smidt MD, PhD
Maastricht University Medical Center, The Netherlands

“In this era of in general good breast cancer survival, attention is warranted for reducing morbidity caused by the extensive universal treatment package deals. Reducing morbidity can be achieved by omission of treatments which no longer benefit the patient. 

EUBREAST E.V. (Germany)

Dr Marina Mangold, CEO of Germany GmbH

Ms Katharina Jursik, International Study Coordinator, Germany

Ms Jessica Wagner,  Study Coordinator, Germany

Ms Sarah Jennie Goldman, MBA, EUBREAST Network Coordinator

Special thanks to the whole team and to our volunteers whose support is the backbone of our Network.

Beate Barkow – Monica Colombini – Claudia Groninger – Ramona Schnerring – Vanzetta & Associati